I decided to start out slowly so the first thing I wanted to get a grasp of was our bill situation. We did keep them all in one place but really they were thrown in a basket in an armoire in the dining room and we had to dig through them to find the one we wanted. It was always a task that got "saved" for another day until we were paying at the last minute...or worse...late...again! Ugh. Enough is enough right? So, I looked and looked until I found this pin from this blog. Echoes of Laughter The title of this post is: The Absolute Easiest Way To Track, Pay & Organize Your Household Bills...No Filing Involved!
She had me at "the absolute easiest" but the "no filing involved" is what really got me hooked. I actually read and followed her post pretty much exactly. Here is my binder.

We have been using this system for a couple of months and really do love it. I broke it down into different sections such as mortgage, insurance, utilities, student loans, etc. Each section has a cover sheet that I printed on card stock so it would hold up for a long time. On the cover sheet is the company name, address, telephone number, website and our passwords for the website if we have one so we don't have to try to remember them. We can track the bills that are paid and when we paid them on the calendar at a glance. After they are paid, I punch the side and file it into the binder in that section. It is so easy and has really helped us to keep all of bills where they belong. Now, I even sort the mail and put the bills into the binder right away. So, having this little red binder has helped us tackle the mail each day and get rid of anything junk related. So, now there is less junk mail. It used to live on the dining room table for days, sometimes longer until I would "get to it".
I am so proud of this and even my husband has commented on how he loves the red binder.
I think my next project will also involve the armoire in the dining room. It now houses a huge computer monitor (not the flat screen kind) that is hooked to nothing and is taking up valuable storage space in my house. So, I am off to Pinterest to look for another great idea.
Until next time....

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