Wednesday, June 29, 2011

So Proud!

I have to blog about my oldest son! I am very proud of him and his recent accomplishments. Both of my boys have been into video games for a long time and have done a lot of playing the games, listening to podcasts about gaming, and making games themselves.
Ian is attending University of Northern Iowa (UNI) and in the Computer Science program. He was working in the Study Abroad office on campus last year and worked on their website and even developed an app for them. Then, for the summer he received a job working on campus with websites as well. (I am not sure what else he does for this office, but he likes it)
He was telling his boss about a game he and his friends were working on and he suggested he check into some of the resources for students that the school offers. Well, he did this and has now started a gaming company with office space, and the works. He is so excited. His website can be found at and you can follow him on twitter at!/GlassCannonGms. I hope you will check it out!

Needless to say...I am very proud!


  1. Very cool, Michelle!

  2. That is awesome! He is so blessed to have you as a mom. Our children are the happiest and live their lives to the fullest when they do what interests them the most. Some parents turn their noses up at video gaming. I have a daughter who is crazy about them and she is in her early 20's and I have never said anything to discourage her. Right now my 10 year old son talks about going to vet school. However I know in the back of my head when that time comes he might change his mind. I will always be there for him if and when he does to support him in whatever makes him the happiest. It is great to see other moms feel like I do. Thank you for the follow through Super Stalker Sunday. I am now you newest follower. Have a great Sunday!

  3. thank you for stopping by my blog today and leaving such sweet comments I am now a follower.
